Rummaging around on YouTube I came across a seven minute ‘splainer
on Ludwig Wittgenstein. It’s quite interesting and even funny in places
To Vox it, Wittgenstein argued that if we got language right all of the other
problems would fall in line.
Which brings me to the dispute of the moment, courtesy of
Donald Trump, (of course), the claim that the election is rigged. Asked the
question a couple of nights ago, George Will responded that Trump tended to
jumble a great many things together but then seemed to support the accusation
by citing the persistent refusal on the part of election officials to clean the
voting rolls. It was a surprising answer from someone who as a conservative
should be aware of the folly of trying to immanentize the electoral eschaton.
And here, pace Wittgenstein, a great deal of the inherent
problem in this discussion is the imprecision in the term “rigged.” As Will is
well aware baseball umpires have reputations for distinct strike zones. Some
are likely to call as strikes pitches that are a little low, others to give the
pitcher the benefit of the doubt on the outside or inside corner, and so on. The
technology to call balls and strikes exists. By sticking with umpires are we to
conclude that major league baseball is rigged?
America currently consists of 435 congressional districts,
many more electoral units and conducts national, state, and local elections
every two years. Human beings being human it would be absurd to believe that
there aren’t irregularities, some intentional, in the election process.
When Donald Trump claims in October that the election is rigged this
isn’t what he means or at least it’s reasonable to interpret him as saying
something quite a bit more accusatory. Trump is at the very least happily
implying that whatever the actual votes they (undefined of course) will find
what is needed to declare him the loser. Trump isn’t saying that a couple of
toes might rest on the scales, he’s saying the result is a foregone conclusion
because the powers that be will never let him be president. His claim is that
the election is Rigged not rigged. One final point. A prominent actor in this plot to deny Trump the presidency is the media. This is pretty hilarious if you stop and think about it. That Hillary would be our next president was a fait accompli the minute Trump got the GOP nomination (I actually think the end date was earlier). To the extent the charge is valid, the chief conspirator was Roger Ailes and carried out by his band of renown at Fox News.