Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Not your father's NBA

I caught a bit of the PTI interview with Mark Jackson, the new head coach of the Warriors.  Jackson emphasized that the game "starts at the defensive end of the court."  That is indeed today's NBA.  How different that is from the NBA I knew, when it was clearly offensive oriented. 

This morning I took a look at the 1985 finals between the Lakers (Magic, Kareem, Worthy) and the Celtics (Bird, McHale, Parrish). In that series no team scored less than 100 points (Boston was low with exactly 100 in game 6) and the highest score was 148.  Average combined score for the series was 229, with the median equal to 221.5.

In the current series, no team has reached 100 points.  The combined average score is 176.75, or a 22.8% drop from the '85 series.  The median combined score is 175 which equates to a 22.0% decline.

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